1. 7 hrs. of sleep (not necessarily consecutive - naps count too!)

2. 48 oz. of water

3. 30 minutes of exercise (not necessarily consecutive)

4. 2 servings of veggies/ 2 servings of fruit

5. No soda or other unhealthy drinks (high sugar juices)or sweets (desserts, pastries, or sugary snacks)

6. No bad fast food (anything fried) or unhealthy snacks (ex: potato chips)

7. No eating after dinner/8:00pm

8. 15 min. of scripture reading (or spiritual text if you don't do scripture)

9. One journal entry (any length)

10. Express sincere appreciation or praise to a loved one or friend.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Three days in, a million to go?

I have been feeling pretty good considering I am a MAJOR drinker of soda, and being without it hasn't been as hard as I thought. I miss my nightcap so bad though! Crystal Light has been my substitute, and the Target brand Cherry Limeade is pretty yummy. I feel like I have the major tummy sloshiness from so much liquid, but I do feel healthier.
I am not craving any foods per se, but I miss the 'full belly' feeling. Anyhow, the empty-ish belly feeling lets me know I am on the right track.



  1. I'm impressed with your non-soda drinking! You go girl!

  2. Kellie I use to be the biggest soda drinker. I would wake up and pop a can of diet coke first thing every morning and then fill my refill jug and sip soda all day long, I kid you not!. Then nearly 5 years ago I gave up caffeine but continued to drink caffeine free diet Dr.Pepper and now for nearly 2 years I rarely have a soda. I have my water jug with me 99.9% of the time. The point I'm trying to make is that I know how hard it can be to give it up, I also know it can be done. Not only will it be good for your health it's also good for your pocket book=]

  3. Thanks for the encouragement, I was feeling pretty down today, but after I read my scriptures, I felt better about the whole thing!
