1. 7 hrs. of sleep (not necessarily consecutive - naps count too!)

2. 48 oz. of water

3. 30 minutes of exercise (not necessarily consecutive)

4. 2 servings of veggies/ 2 servings of fruit

5. No soda or other unhealthy drinks (high sugar juices)or sweets (desserts, pastries, or sugary snacks)

6. No bad fast food (anything fried) or unhealthy snacks (ex: potato chips)

7. No eating after dinner/8:00pm

8. 15 min. of scripture reading (or spiritual text if you don't do scripture)

9. One journal entry (any length)

10. Express sincere appreciation or praise to a loved one or friend.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Are you gearing up? Here is a list of the challengers as of Sunday Aug. 1st:

Kellie Farrell
Tori Klein
Spring Stacy
Danielle Gunny
Jeff Yoakum
Nichole Yoakum
Kiersten Leavitt
Chloey Garza
Karen Slaughter
Andrea Wazenegger
and me and Jamie!

Keep em' coming!


  1. I'm in if you'll still have me. I think I can get Mark to do it, too. We'll see. Thanks for getting this started Michele!

  2. I'm actually really looking forward to this challenge. Thanks Michele and Jamie:)
