1. 7 hrs. of sleep (not necessarily consecutive - naps count too!)

2. 48 oz. of water

3. 30 minutes of exercise (not necessarily consecutive)

4. 2 servings of veggies/ 2 servings of fruit

5. No soda or other unhealthy drinks (high sugar juices)or sweets (desserts, pastries, or sugary snacks)

6. No bad fast food (anything fried) or unhealthy snacks (ex: potato chips)

7. No eating after dinner/8:00pm

8. 15 min. of scripture reading (or spiritual text if you don't do scripture)

9. One journal entry (any length)

10. Express sincere appreciation or praise to a loved one or friend.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Kellie- I have been hiding...

The last week hasn't been super great for my diet, and I had been dealing with some sad emotional stuff. Anyways, I have recommited and its amazing just how one really good on-goal day can make you feel.I really hoped that this challenge would 1. help me get re-started on losing the second half of the weight I needed to lose, and 2. strengthen my testimony of the Book of Mormon
I really experienced positive results with both. I have lost about 9 lbs, and I actually look forward to reading my scriptures. This morning at the gym, as I ran on the treadmill, I was amazed at how un-out of breathe I felt. It was awesome! I am trying to train for a 7k in October, and the run this morning is making me feel more optomistic as to how I will do.
So, today was a good day. I am sure there will be more crappy ones, too.

So, I won't have perfect points, but I have to be okay with the ones I do get.


  1. I'm impressed. 9 lb loss and running 7k. You're doing something right.

  2. I'm not sure which Kellie this is. But I agree with're the bomb. 9 lb loss is huge!
